Haha amazing! I definitely thought this was going to be a meet-cute with Mr. Ka-chow.

I was not homeschooled, but I definitely had some wiiilllddd nights at the skating rink. Ours was called Circus Skate, but now it’s an abandoned building in Murray, KY. It has a big sign out front with a skating clown and a painted lie: “Largest in USA”.

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I mean, who knows? Maybe it was at some point the largest? Will the world ever know? That’s the problem.

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P.S. This is probably so random but shows my strange mind .. last night I was still laughing about your story as I even am now. I remembered my favorite book, Mr. Nobody and the Umbrella Bug. I'm sure that humor of Stoo Hample twisted my mind or perhaps stretched it into such hysterical contortions. I finally found a copy I could afford and have tried to read it to my students. To help them laugh. But I'm afraid I just find it too funny. So my nobody file brought up my still memorized poem, so meaningful, from maybe third grade, I'm a nobody who are you....and Mr. Nobody. Both have made my day and life richer and more delightful. And tell me if our friend with the winning smile wins the election, ok? He should. Your humor through this whole piece was like laughter massage therapy for the heart and mind to me. And shame on those friends for not enjoying your question!!! They just didn't skate enough...

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Ok. First, you are too funny! David should be so proud of you!! I am laughing so hard!!! Your words have given me years of youth back! I wish my wrinkled arms would acquiesce too. I am so so the same way! And I vote for him too! I love your memories! A poem in mine is I'm a nobody. Who are you?... My current same list is have I told you lately that I love you. I made it my ring tone and it looks like I have some hot boyfriend always singing to me. Nobody does it better has always embarrassed me to hear once in my 50's I finally realized what she's screaming about. I'm like, ok. You can shut the door now...you are too funny Sara! I need to come and take your walk. My stomping grounds were downtown Miami and oh my! I needed the real characters there. And felt more at home than anywhere else. Enjoy and thank you again. I am in awe of your ability to be so funny! Thank you!!

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I’ve had this same experience with music so many times. I love how adeptly you captured the desperation of trying to put the melodic puzzle pieces together. Too relatable!

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Or perhaps you saw the James Bond movie that it goes to? Though come to think of it, that would have required more wildebeests than The Princess Bride, so probably not....

I’m shocked that Michael W. Smith isn’t in your list of ‘80’s Christian artists! He, Amy Grant, and Sandi Patty were practically synonymous when I was in high school!

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Oh, definitely a Michael W. Smith gal. That was just a small sampling of my repertoire.

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