Happy Birthday. Did the cupcake eater offer you one? Pizza is a great way to celebrate. I'll keep it in mind for my 40th in July.

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Thank ya. 😊 She did give me one, which I thought was very hospitable. Happy early birthday to you! I think Elizabeth Harwell also recently hit the 40 milestone. 1984 isn’t all doom and gloom!

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Glad to hear of such mannerly youth.

&... She sure did! I find myself in very good company with the both of you.

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Well Sara! You did it again! I feel like now I understand the world of alien early people ! You would have killed me after a day or so, for being on time is like climbing Mr. Everest for me. It is like sculpting the Pieta. It is a monumentally difficult work to even begin calculating it. I was in our little church choir in Appalachia and arrived late always, though I'd drive hoping my speed in far would magically overtake reality and transport me 15 minutes early. And prompt, genetically hardwired early me McCarty would always have a snarky remark as id shamefully slither under the carpet up there, drenched in sweaty sorrys. Yet that shame only gave me more intense migraines. Never ability to be early. If I have been early it has been by accident. I feel I e entered another realm of Twilight zone maybe where I don't belong. What's funny is I had those exact terrifying dreams of driving the car from the backseat , but in mine, I'm pushing my leg under the seat trying to stretch it to the gas, and stretching my arms like crazy to reach the steering wheel over the dead person who's careening or has just died in driver's seat. I've been told I have a Cuban or Jamaican time soul of which I loved to hear, for it made my shameful to Americans lateness sound cool. In those church groups, life was so chill. I'd found my people. Nobody cared when you came or how long you stayed.. In my church up north, a sermon was preached on earlyness being a requirement for sanctification and I realized then I was shot. My lateness was proof I had no care for others or their precious minutes that I was purposely squandering on my own pleasures...e.g. freaking out rushing around home trying to get to a place! I do kind of love the spin of control freakness though ...I'm just awed by how you could mentally calculate and live by all that! Your mom's power play was hysterical though. Often I yearn for a new earth where clocks will no longer determine our unrighteousness, and we can all come when we get there, and stay as long as we can!

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You definitely have a time gift (despite the pizza 😆). Our family does NOT, and I’m still learning to relinquish control there. Cultures are funny, too. In Michigan, being on the time or within ten after was normal. In Mexico, unsurprisingly, you never arrive early or on time unless you’re planning to help with set up (or it’s school). When we moved to Texas, we thought it would be somewhere closer to Michigan, but relaxed, and very quickly found that to be “on time” meant five times ten minutes early 😳. Strangely the Sunday class Kraig and I lead has shifted...and people now arrive five to ten minutes late, even though we’re early. What did we do?

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I belong in Texas then!!! Go Texas, go!!!

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Ha! Maybe you can come whip us into shape, Lori!

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I had a horrible thought that you both are thinking I feel my lateness is a good thing.. ni most certainly do not and have viewed it as sun, insanity, proof of bad heart ness, disorganization personified, selfishness and everything else in between! I was just so shocked to read of how early people do things like being early as if it were nothing! And, the mercy I did experience with realizing some other cultures don't take time quite as seriously as we do. And I don't believe we will have clocks in new heaven and earth, for we will always be right in the beauty of present grace! I remember once making a clock where every number said NOW, to honor the verse of now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation!

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Lori, I’m thankful you are who you are. Your perspective is such an important one. I think we all can learn from each other, whether our default is being late, or we have the ability to be early.

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You're so funny! I was thinking about this all morning and CS Lewis's comment about why he couldn't quit smoking. He said because when he tries, that's all he can think about, and can't get anything else done. That's exactly how I have to think to be on time. I have to turn off every single pleasurable feeling, thought or sensations, and turn into a shark, who has to keep repeating, stay on track. Look at clock. Count the time back. Rehearse your way.there. Repeat ..I'm exhausted! I' think I live from beauty to the next moment of beauty, thinking of characters, stories, virtues, trying to calm my fears, and have to keep reminding my mind that I have a body that needs to do other things☺️

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I was always taught “if you’re on time, you’re late”

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